Sunday, September 23, 2007

Under Construction

Brand-new blogger here...please be patient.

This blogsite will soon contain information about what I do. I am a veterinarian in Columbia, SC, working in a cats-only clinic, and practicing both Western medicine and acupuncture on my patients.

The purpose of this blogsite is to give people a place to learn about different ailments and treatments of their feline companions...yet ANOTHER place on the vast Internet to gather potentially bogus information, I am aware. But I hope that this site will be set apart by my credentials, my slightly alternative approach, and my genuine passion for cats and my chosen career.

I hope this blogsite will also lead my neighbors to me in their quest for a caring, progressive feline veterinarian and/or veterinary acupuncturist. While I focus on cats in my day-to-day practice, I do perform acupuncture on both dogs and cats, for treatment of musculoskeletal problems as well as internal medical ailments.

So, if you're interested, I hope you will revisit this site soon. Today is Sunday, September 23, 2007. There, I said it, and now let that announcement of the date I am getting this project underway lead me to swift posting of something of value within the week!

Please come back to visit soon--
Leigh Sheridan


Unknown said...

A great article indeed and a very detailed, realistic and superb analysis, of this issue, very nice write up, Thanks.
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Unknown said...

A great article indeed and a very detailed, realistic and superb analysis, of this issue, very nice write up, Thanks.
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